
Resolution Order

During Plutonium’s import process, as a Foundry document is being constructed, additional data is pulled from the following sources in the order listed below:

Sources earlier in the list have precedence. For example, if the Automation Addon defines a list of active effects for an item, a homebrew-defined list of active effects for that item would be ignored.

Note that this is handled on a per-property basis: if both the Automation Addon and homebrew defined a list of active effects for an item, but only homebrew defined an img for that item, the list of active effects would be taken from the Automation Addon while the img would be taken from homebrew.


This behaviour can be controlled using the "_merge" object. With "_merge", a higher-precedence source can allow a lower-precedence source to merge its data into the higher-precedence output, producing a unified result.

For example, if both the Automation Addon and homebrew defined a list of active effects for an item, and the Automation Addon data included a "_merge" of {"effects": true}, then the list of active effects from both sources would be concatenated together to produce the final output.

When merging the outputs of multiple sources, the merge process for a property continues until a source does not specify a "_merge" for that property (sources which do not produce any output for that property are ignored).